I MISSED DAY 300!!!! AGGG! I need to be on top of this.... 54 DAYS UNTIL THE HALF WAY MARK!!! YAYYY!! Now moving on to my real topic...
My life's moments are separated into two categories: Black Holes and Revelations, thus the title. Black Holes are obvious. They are a waste of time and energy, are marked by futile attempts to STOP thinking about how much of a Black Hole it is, have negative repercussions to my minds willpower, and they suck every ounce of hope I had in me at that moment. Revelations can only be the opposite, and are good moments that usually lead to a learning opportunity. They are moments that lead me to realize full potential of myself or of my surroundings, are spiritual glimmers given at the perfect space in time, and have a MUCH longer lasting effect than my Black Hole moments. Now SOMETIMES, moments may fall into the Venn Diagram area of these two categories, and can be both Black Holes AND a Revelation. THOSE moments, are ones that are much less than pleasant, but also I receive a firm witness that it happened for my benefit. Moments may not move into the Venn area until later in time, thus being TRUE life lessons. Now why did I go through and explain my now-dead analogy? Because yesterday, I had 2 moments that fit into each different category, which rarely happens for me, so I wanted you all to understand how cool that was. LOL. And as much as I just set up that analogy ever so nicely, I am not going to be sharing those moments with you, because they are so sacred to me and are extremely personal. But I just wanted to share that they happened. And that because they happened, I had a great day 2 days in a row. :) Viva la vi.
One more thing before I go...... This man is amazing. The end. :) :) :)
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